Saturday, July 9, 2016

Book Review - Come Away With Me - Kristen Proby


      I didn't buy this book on purpose, I just went on a buying spree on the kindle app. It was free and the story line happen to be a one that I would be interested in reading. When I did buy it, it was sitting on my kindle reading list for a few weeks even a month or more. It wasn't on my top to read list and I didn't even bother to try to read it. But I wanted to mix my reading list up from books I actually own and books I have on my kindle app.
      So when I was looking for something new to read, I opened this book and read what it was about since I tend to forget what I buy. After reading the story plot, I started to read. As for any new book I start reading, I take it with me everywhere I go. Before I knew it I was half way done and I was pretty shocked at how fast I was able to read this book. 

      Kirsten Proby paints an almost perfect fairy tale modernized with more realistic elements throughout the entire book. Luke Williams and Natalie Conner's love developed into something so perfect in the writers and readers world. Honestly a lot of books along the romantic/erotica genre follows similar storylines and traits, in all which makes them very prodictable and boring in my opinion. Even though I am a sucker for romance and great sex, I do get bored of the same story line over and over again; the only thing making them different from one another is the names and places. The norm for eroticas today goes as follows; there is a rich guy who is drop dead gorgeous and he is a ladies man. For the females, she's independent and she happens to fall into the wealthy guys life and they have their share of drama and great sex. I guess in order for the story to be amazing, they'd have to be written with their own unique taste and direction. 

     Regardless of tear this story had its own take on the relationship between Natalie and Luke. My opinion on this story was awwww probably the entire book; because as I said before I am a hopeless romantic. With that said, I really enjoyed reading this book and learning more about each character. 

      I actually learned that this book is part of a series, "With Me in Seattle". They have a total of eight books and the last book is a novella. I am even more excited to read the entire series. I just hope the story isn't dragged out for no reason. But I felt hat the characters were portrayed very nicely and they were easy to picture. I loved how independent she was and she was able to have a job and be on her own without any help from a male figure. I enjoyed reading about her and her job as a photographer. Now with Luke; at first I did not like him and how he was introduced. When he was insinuated he seemed to be a cocky guy who believes everyone wants to take his picture. But as you read more into the story, you learn why he acted the way he did when he was first introduced to Natalie. 

       I don't want to spoil anything for anyone that wants to read this series but overall I know this will a series that I will love and will continue to read. Now onto the rating, on Goodreads I gave the first enstallment a solid 5 out of 5 stars.  Simplly because it kept my attention from the first page to the last page. The romance kept me intrigued nd wanting more. Don't even get me started on the erotic scenes, let's say it left me wanting more. So with that said the book deserves a 5 out of 5 stars. 

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