Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Book Review - Stephen King - Carrie

I recall watching the original Carrie, and let's say I was not impressed at all. The movie bore me, it made me not want to finish it, and it made me not want to read the book. When I first watched this movie I have not read any book by Stephen King. I attempted to but failed miserably at finishing Cujo. But lately I have been on a Stephen King reading galore!

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who has not read the book or seen the movie. My recent blog posts have been book reviews on the books I read by King. My friend actually recommend this book to read and I want to say Thank you April! Not only was it an easy book to read but it kept my attention from the first page to the last page in that book. I was impressed with Stephen King's work and this made me want to read more of his books. Since finishing The Shining(previous blog post), Misery (future blog post), and Carrie, it made me want to watch the movies and see if the movie lives up to the book.

Carrie is a teenage girl who is very quiet and to herself. She isn't the prettiest girl out there and people make fun of her often. She had a bit of a harsh life growing up in my opinion; she had a crazy and religious mother who made things hard for Carrie. Her whole neighborhood and her school knew that she wasn't normal and she was categorized as a freak. To add to everything else she has a power she has come to get use to. Her mind is a powerful thing and within the pages you see how she grows into someone so powerful. She creates a night to remember.

I would definitely recommend this book to friends and family. With that I would give this book a 3.8 out of 5, only because I wasn't a fan of the theme or plot but it doesn't mean I didn't like the book. I really did like the book and how it was written BUT it wasn't my exact favorite ideal read. I normally don't read books with those kind of plots. Regardless of that I enjoyed the book and I have more Stephen King books to review.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post.


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