Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Book Review - "Dared to be Seduced" - Eden Davis

                I actually ordered this book on the Barnes and Noble website, thinking that it sounded pretty interesting and had the potential of being a five star reading. I didn’t check it out on Goodreads to see the books ratings, reviews, and even to see if it was part of a series or not. I knew absolutely nothing about the book or the author. I was taking a risk buying this book without knowing anything about it except the blurb Barnes and Noble gave me. Honestly, looking back at it now, i regret it. I should have done my research before hand and maybe I wouldn’t have wasted my time nor my money on this book.
                The funny thing is I've heard of Eden David before and her stories seem to have a good plot but again I have never read any of her work before. So I can’t exactly say that her other pieces are going to be 1 / 2 star ratings. I really don’t like judging authors from one book. Before I actually continue and go into the reason why I disliked this book let me tell you what the book is about. Dared to be Seduced is about Lena and Jason’s relationship. They have careers that they live up to and when their sex tape is leaked Lena’s career is on the line. To me that sounds pretty good, a lot of drama and sex when together can create a wonderful story. On this case, it was just the opposite.
                Anytime I write reviews I try to remain positive and write at least one thing I did like about what I've read even if I didn’t like it. So let’s start there shall we? The one thing I did like was how dedicated Lena was to her job BUT she let her desire get to her and wasn’t careful enough. Now lets dive right into the negatives. The first reason and probably the most annoying reason why I didn’t like this book was because the sex tape was not leaked until towards the end. The first half was the story unfolding about the sex but nothing about a tape. I was reading and reading hoping to get myself caught up in the drama. But towards the end it was finally leaked, like really?
                The next reason was how boring and uneventful majority of the book was. There were some parts that wasn’t the worst to read but a lot of the time it was dragged and I didn’t want to finish reading at all. Honestly I hate writing negative reviews but again I have to be honest when I write these reviews. This book just wasn’t my cup of tea personally.

                There isn’t anything else to say about this book that I didn’t mention already. Now for the rating, I'm guessing you already know what my rating will be for this book. Sadly enough this book was a 1.5 out of 5 stars. And finally this book will definitely not be recommended to my friends. 

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