Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Book Review - FlightLess Bird - Bret Bucci

            You never judge a book by its cover, or its storyline, or even the genre it may fall under. I’ve heard this many times before and this probably won’t be the last. To be completely honest, I judged this book. I had a negative feeling towards it. I knew it dealt with the supernatural and things out of this world and that’s something I do not particularly enjoy reading about unless it was non-fiction. In this case it was complete fiction. If I was in a book store and I came across this book I’d probably not buy this book on my own free will. I’m being honest and I know that sounds very harsh. But luckily the author Bret Bucci sent her first novel, Flightless Bird, to me in return I write an honest review of it.
            When I received the book it looked so pretty and felt very soft. I loved touching it and feeling the cover. She even signed the book for me. I didn’t know what to expect and I was kind of expecting the worst. So when I did decide to read it, I was trying to keep an open mind about it. Keeping an open mind was easier than I expected. The first page changed everything for me, not even the full first page, the first couple of sentences had me draw in. I was hooked instantly. I don’t want to spoil anything so let’s say it was an awesome read.
            When I said I became hooked, I became hooked to the book. I literally carried this book with me everywhere I went. I really appreciated the characters and I honestly never thought that I would like this book that much. I don’t have any friends that are into reading like I do so I had no one to talk to about this book. So my last resort was my mom. I kept talking to my mom like she cares about what I’m reading. I read her the first couple of sentences that had me fangirling. As a reader and writer, I tend to add post it everywhere and use it to bookmark things for my reviews or even to save a quote. Throughout the entire book I had to use a lot post it notes.
            Who knew that I would like a book that is out of my comfort zone? I felt like that the way the characters were described and portrayed was simple yet very complicated. I really enjoyed the connection each character has with one another. There were a few funny moments in the book that had my hear smiling. That’s a major plus, If I’m able to feel some type of emotion because of it a book, is simply moving. My favorite character would have to be Sage. I was able to connect with her and understand where she was coming from and understand why she does what she does. I agree with Sage on why she sold her soul to the devil in the first place. Trust me id do that same if it meant saving my family if things had to come to it.
            Now for the things that bothered me. For starters, the cliff-hangers at the end. Seriously? I was so into the book and for it to end the way it did broke my heart. The only perk was that I’d give me a reason to go buy nook two. The next thing that bothered me was Sage and Beliial (her guardian angel)’s relationship. The way that they connected made me happy and filled with romance. Let’s hope that he comes back in book two.
            Now for an honest rating, I gave this book a 5 out of 5 stars only because I enjoyed reading it and taking notes. It hands down deserved it and I actually disappointed that I judged this book way before I gave it a chance.   You never judge a book by its cover, or its storyline, or even the genre it may fall under. I also would love to thank Bret Bucci for sending me her work. It was such a delight and pleasure.

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